Friday, May 8, 2009


The Superintendent's evaluation is up for consideration next month

Some of the School Board members believe the evaluation should be done in open forum.

Some of the School Board believes that it should be done behind closed doors.

What do you think?

In the era of strategic governance the School Board receives reports from the Superintendent. In turn the Superintendent is accountable to the School Board for the overall operation of the School system.

As one of the highest paid public servants of Fairfax County it seems only fair that the community has its opportunity to have input into the evaluation and possible contract extension.

If the School Board has decided to leave the total management of the school system in the hands of the Superintendent, then the community MUST hold them accountable for the person they are putting all their faith in?

Unless we know how they are viewing the Superintendent, how do we hold the School Board accountable?

We think the process should be absolutely transparent.

CEO's across the country are coming under increased scrutiny.

You are being held accountable.

Why not Jack Dale?


Unknown said...

Not only was Dale THE highest paid superintendent in the Wash Dc Metro area, but he was THE HIGHEST PAID Fairfax COUNTY EMPLOYEE at the time he signed his contract. AND he gets FREE HEALTH CARE!

For what reason? To run our school system into the ground?

bobsmith1 said...

I think the public has some of the time to make comments about performance. But the Board still has an obligation to provide some privacy for all employees in personnel matters. Our input should be paramount to their decision-making process regarding continuance as Superintendent, whomever that might be!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack, you are holding me accountable

At 300 K I think I should hold you accountable as well.

MRD said...

Absolutely this should be in the open.

But I question "run the system into the ground." There have been changes, and those changes have created some disequilibrium for a lot of staff. Inevitably some of these changes will turn out to be for the better, and some for the worse, because that's how change is.

I think we're a long way off from running the system into the ground. Sometimes we forget how much worse-off other places in this country, even in this area, really are when we get all worked up about change.

libraryladyk12 said...

I definitely think that we should have a hand in the evaluation process. We help evaluate our principals. I feel that anyone who works in the system should have an opportunity to comment; give their point of view. All should be taken into consideration by the school board. Comments need not be public, but they should be solicited.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Apparently some other folks think Jack Dale needs to go. Check out Fairfax Underground (be warned there is some colorful language). Also of note are comparisons of test scores prior to Dales arrivial and through his leadership years....interesting....