Wednesday, May 6, 2009


It is time for all FCPS employees to come together around a single proposal that will provide increases in salary for next year. There are certain times when issues are so large and so important that we must put our differences aside and work for the common good.FEA is making a modest proposal to the School Board. We are asking all FCPS employees to support this effort for the good of all!


All FCPS employees who are scheduled to receive a step increase for next year will receive a modified step (equivalent to half the scheduled step) on the regular implementation schedule starting July 1, 2009.

For FCPS employees receiving a step increase for next year their contract will be reduced by two days only. These days will be taken on non-student contact days as scheduled by the individual work sites/schools.

Employees NOT scheduled to receive a step will continue to work a standard contract. No reduction of contract length will occur.
Employees who work ONLY on student contact days will NOT have their contract reduced.

The School Board will examine the full restoration of the step, budget considerations pending, during the normal deliberations next year.
26,000 Employees, One Voice

Call or write your School Board members today and let them know you support the FEA proposal.

Chairman, Daniel G. Storck, Mt. Vernon District, 571-423-1086,
Vice-Chairman, Kathy L. Smith, Sully District, 571-423-1085,
Braddock District, Tessie Wilson, 571-423-1088,
Dranesville District, Jane K. Strauss, 571-423-1087,
Hunter Mill District, Stuart D. Gibson, 571-423-1082,
Lee District, Brad Center, 571-423-1081,
Mason District, Kaye Kory, 571-423-1083,
Mt. Vernon District, Daniel G. Storck, Chairman, 571-423-1086, Providence District, Phillip A. Niedzielski-Eichner, 571-423-1084, Springfield District, Elizabeth T. Bradsher, 571-423-1080,
Sully District, Kathy L. Smith, Vice-Chairman, 571-423-1085,
At-Large MembersMartina A. Hone, 571-423-1089,
Ilryong Moon, 571-423-1090,
James L. Raney, 571-423-1091,


Fairfax Education Association said...

Here is a link to the FEA radio spot on WTOP:
radio ad

MRD said...

Will our workload be reduced to account for the 2 lost workdays, or will our admins still require the same amount of work and just give us less time to do it in?
I am worried this proposal could set a dangerous precedent in how we have to use our own personal time. SOMETHING needs to be taken off the plate if we are to lose two workdays.

Anonymous said...

MANY THINGS need to be taken of the overflowing plates of FCPS teachers!! But let's face reality... We must stand collectively to make any change happen! The school board's love affair with our superintendent is hurting our schools, our teachers, and our students. FCPS has become a test frenzy county that disregards the professionals it claims to respect! While this proposal may mean we spend those two days at home preparing for our students, it does allow us to at least have something to offset the increasing costs of inflation. It is then our responsibility as educators to take action collectively to deal with the workload and the unresponsive school board and its beloved superintendent. One step at a time... but everyone has to work together!

MRD said...

Sorry, but if everyone has to work together then everyone should have been consulted before this proposal was publicized.
It is making us look like spoiled brats in the broader community, where almost everyone has had to take not only a pay freeze but an actual cut.
Working together doesn't mean we all just do what our president says.
This just looks like a desperate scramble. If the school board goes along with it, they'll have even LESS reason to work with us on workload issues - they'll say, "well, we bent over backwards to fund your COLA so just be patient and leave us alone."
It would have been better to forgo the COLA, and use that sacrifice on our part as a platform to improve working conditions.

Sarah E. Clark/Beasley said...

We did forgo the COLA. This is our step we're talking about! Your step is something you EARN from having another year's worth of experience.

Anonymous said...

We MUST protect the salary scale. I think FEA is right to try to get something for the teachers and the support employees.

Where are the other organizations?

Not much to say I guess.

Anonymous said...

I'd really just like to get paid for the unused snow day this contract. Can FEA lobby to get the last teacher work day (June 19th) off for the snowday? Would be a bone to throw us since we are getting nothing next year.

MRD said...

So, in a time when everyone is suffering, we're basically saying:

"You should pay us more for doing less work." We want a step and two days off with several things taken off our plate.

That argument is flawed, both ethically and politically. We may ultimately pull our step together, but at what cost in the next election cycle?

Anonymous said...

I think that there are many who have forgotten that some of us took a salary freeze in 1990 and only had two of three steps reinstated for a three year salary freeze. Perhaps there should be some lobbying done to get those people's third step back that they never had reinstated to them.
Someone needs to look into how many FCPS employees this applies to and what can be done to correct this issue as our salaries get hit again.
Let's also remember that time on task is an important issue. We are being asked to continue to add items to our daily routines such as using our planning time to co-plan, but not giving more planning time to do our daily clarical paper work. No additional planning time or salary increase is being considered, yet our work load continues to increase.
I for one would like school board members to take our jobs teaching for one month to see it is impossible to get all that is asked of us done in one 7.5 hour day. What happened to all the time on task reports that the superintendent and school board had employees fill out if they are not being used to correct the items mentioned in the feedback given in the report. There was no use in them initiating the surveys if they are not going to use the data to reshape and improve thing with the system.